Office of the Chancellor
Senior Leadership
The chancellor supports efforts to enhance University relationships and provides counsel and advice to senior leadership. Available to inform decisions made by those who influence change at 亚洲博彩平台排名, the chancellor ensures that the values expressed by the University mission statement are honored and advanced. The chancellor actively promotes national and international recognition of the University and undertakes initiatives as requested by the Board of Trustees.
Sister M. Therese Antone

Appointed chancellor in 2009, Sister Therese served as president of 亚洲博彩平台排名 from 1994-2009. A member of the Sisters of Mercy, she has had teaching and leadership experience at all educational levels and also served as treasurer for the Sisters of Mercy serving in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Central America. Her career at 亚洲博彩平台排名 included tenure as a professor of mathematics and management and executive vice president for corporate affairs and advancement.
Sister Therese has extensive governance experience, including service on the Diocesan Finance Council and the boards of University of Detroit Mercy, Misericordia University, AAA New England, BankNewport, Lifespan Health Corporation and Beacon Mutual Insurance Company. She currently serves on the board of the Newport Hospital Foundation, Mercy Investment Services, Davis Educational Foundation and Global Net Lease. Sister Therese was appointed to the R.I. State Ethics Commission in 2015.
In addition to many other honors and awards, Sister Therese was a recipient of the John E. Fogarty Achievement Award and the Mercy Higher Education Leadership Award. She is also an inductee to the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. Sister Therese was a Fulbright senior specialist at Krasnoyarsk University in Russia, and the state of Kentucky commissioned her as a Kentucky Colonel in 2008.
Sister Therese holds a doctorate in education with emphasis in administration, planning and social policy from Harvard University. She holds a master's degree in mathematics from Villanova University and completed the international senior executive program at MIT's Sloan School of Management.